Knock Knock! Inside Chloe Wise's New York loft
Chloe Wise is a Canadian artist based in New York City. Wise works in sculpture, drawing, video art, and oil painting. Wise is known for her stylized and humorous approach to both still life and figurative painting that incorporate intimate depictions of food trends, agriculture, consumer culture, friends, and muses.
Photography Brian Ferry, Interview by Kristen de la Vallière
Chloe and her feline friend resting on Puffy Lounge Chair + Ottoman Sand / Stainless

What is your favorite object in your home and why?
I try not to pick favorites. I really like having an oven; that’s new for me; I lived with a toaster oven instead for the last five years.
Can you tell us a little bit about your new Midtown apartment? How did you find it?
I had been looking high and low for two years. When I saw this one, I knew immediately.
An Alphabeta Pendant Uno, Beige suspended over Chloe's hallway.
How do you build a homey oasis in one of the busiest cities and most hectic parts of New York?
Still workshopping that one..
You’re a painter often times painting portraits. How do you decide who to paint, and are you always looking for subjects in the people around you? What is that process?
I paint my friends. I have them over, take photos, and work from there.

 hanging in Chloe's hall.](
Another shot featuring Alphabeta Pendant Uno, Beige hanging in Chloe's hall.
You’ve also ventured into making objects — can you tell us a little about your design approach? Do you want to explore that more?
Sometimes that will be a sculpture that, in a rare turn of events, is functional in some way. I suppose the moment you have an art object that possesses any potential for function, that object ventures into the design arena… But I wouldn’t say it’s a conscious decision or a place I’d like to explore more, at least not on purpose.
“I am indiscriminate about the things I make, so if I have an idea, chances are I’ll go ahead and make it.”
Some of Chloe's finer things on display thanks to Zig Zag Low Shelf Walnut.

As an artist, do you find that you need a more calm, zen-type home for ideas to thrive, or do you want your home to be more of a reflection of your ideas and creative vision?
Somewhere in between.. Although calm is not really a concept I’ve ever considered.
Chloe lounging on Puffy Lounge Chair + Ottoman Sand / Stainless
Chloe continuing to lounge on Puffy Lounge Chair + Ottoman Sand / Stainless
Chloe and her Zig Zag Low Shelf Walnut
What are Pluto and Hans’ favorite pieces of furniture in the apartment?
Whatever is the newest, they will immediately sit on. At the moment, they prefer my Hans Hopfer Mah Jong sofa, but that’s because it’s in direct sunlight, and they love to sunbathe (just like their mama).

Chloe's cat enjoying the Puffy Lounge Chair + Ottoman Sand / Stainless
You would break up with someone if they had what piece of design in their house?
In this economy?!?!!

Inspired by Chloe’s apartment

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